
Showing posts from January, 2019


I dream that I am 5 years old again. I hear a voice calling me in my sleep. I rise up from bed half asleep and walk to the  window. In the garden I see my favourite play tree awash in wavy blue light. I open the window and climb into the cold chilly night. The grass is wet with dew. The stars glimmer icily in the inky blackness. All is silent except for the chirping of crickets. I begin to approach this strange phenomenon. I walk without hesitation or fear. I have done this before. The earth suddenly trembles. I stumble and stop. I feel crawly sensation penetrate the soles of my naked feet and furry warmth creeping up my legs gathering like wet wood smoke on my pelvic floor. Titillating pressure builds up into the base of my spine. A sudden cracking sound and a spiral gush of energy shoots up exploding at the brain stem. I feel warm oily sensation fill up my eye sockets. Then a bright flash and I'm floating in soft milky white light. Free from its material cage, consciousness exp


Watching the bodies move was pure delight. The mood was magnetic. The energy palpable. the space was turnt ! Heads bobbing, feet shuffling, bodies shifting in sudden sways. The crowd was in sync. All flowed in perfect rhythm to the Nairobi urban beat. This was an 'odi' dance rupture beneath sunny, cyan skies. Not at all what I expected to be partaking in when I woke up this dreary October morning. Nairobae had surprised me yet again. It started out as a regular Saturday afternoon with me idly passing time at my favorite hangout - the Alchemist in Westlands. The moody, cloudy morning with its threats of rain had opened up to spaces of gentle, radiant sheen. I was seated at my favorite table at the far edge. My back to the wall,  I commanded the entire scene, the perfect vantage for a voyeur. With a cool beverage on hand and a travel magazine before me. I was having a self indulgent mini vacation. Sudden rapid drumming catches my attention. A caramel skinned girl in a short pu